This play-based class will explore process art, music and movement, child-led
centers, and an opportunity to engage in social-emotional growth. Children ranging
in ages 2-5 years old will create a family of learners and will be presented with
diverse experiences. Biblical content will ensure that lessons taught have the
ability to be reinforced through play. Children will learn how to care for and
empathize with others. Older children have the opportunity to serve as mentors
and take leadership roles as they model more sophisticated approaches to problem
solving, helping younger children to accomplish tasks they would not be able to do
independently. This dynamic increases the older child’s level of independence and
competence while increasing the younger child’s spirit of belonging in a community
of learners.
Learning outcomes will still be embedded into the lesson planning. For example,
identifying and naming letters and numbers, learning to count, name recognition,
days of the week, months of the year, colors, shapes, patterning, rhyming, using
scissors, and understanding position words are still components of this play based
environment. Many of these skills will be taught through music and movement, as
well as free flowing learning centers. Teachers ensure that all learning domains are
represented in their free flowing center play which limits transition time and
allows children to choose centers based on their interest level. Mat Man will be
utilized to teach size recognition, placement, and sequence skills and simultaneously
promote body awareness, socializing, and sharing.